Banish Bottlenecks with the New ASTES4 High Speed ADVANCED Modular Laser Sorting System

Maximize the productivity and efficiency of downstream operations with MC Machinery’s new ASTES4 High Speed ADVANCED modular sorting system.

It’s the perfect solution for fabricators facing worker shortages and bottlenecks resulting from the increased productivity of higher-volume fiber lasers. The ASTES4 High Speed ADVANCED can:

• Cut sort times in half
• Reduce labor costs
• Improve throughput
• Eliminate bottlenecks




The new high-speed sorting system, which can be integrated with the SmartFlex RAPID automated sheet loader and a Mitsubishi fiber or CO2 laser, features:

• A patented, integrated tool-changer head with six programmable tools
• Four sorting heads with a capacity of 220 pounds per head
• Mitsubishi Drive components that allow seamless communication between the control, servos and drive system
• Multiple customizable configurations
• Tighter proximity between picking heads




What can the ASTES4 HS do for your company?

• Reduce sorting time by half
• Eliminate of manual tool changing
• Increase worker safety
• Run unattended
• Lower labor costs
• Reduce setup time
• Perform with high-speed precision

The integrated tool-changer head with six programmable tools includes:

• Single suction cup tool
• Magnet tool (featuring two sizes)
• Multi-suction cup tool
• Dual-oval suction cup tool
• Out-of-center tool for small or heavy parts that require two lifting points

